Python Ebay Web Scrape Tutorial


This blog post explains how to make a simple demo web scraping program in Python using Beautiful Soup 4. The program searches eBay using a list of item names and returns the URL, name, and price of the first item listed.


Step 1: Doing the Process Manually

Before starting any programming, the first step is to search eBay manually while looking for ways to automate the process.  Start by searching for a random item on eBay.  In this example, “Python textbook” is entered into the search bar.



Step 2: Automating the Process

Notice the item searched, “Python textbook”, is also in the URL as “Python+textbook”.


If modified, the URL can be used to search for items on eBay.  In this example “Python+textbook” is replaced with “watering+hose” and returns a page with “watering hose” as the search result.



Step 3: Getting Unique Identifiers

To scrape the name and the price of each item, Beautiful Soup needs unique information like HTML tags and CSS class names.  A quick way to view the name or price’s specific place in HTML is by using the browser’s inspect tool.  Chrome was used in this example, but Firefox also has a similar tool.  To get the specific tag containing the first item’s name

  1. Right click on the name of the item
  2. Click Inspect

This should open the Elements tab and highlight the HTML containing the item’s name.



HTML for Name:

<h3 class="s-item__title" role="text">Latex 25 50 75 100 FT Expanding Flexible Garden Water Hose with Spray Nozzle</h3>

HTML for Price:

<span class="s-item__price">$6.80<span class="DEFAULT"> to </span>$18.95</span>


Step 4: Writing the Code

Now that the preliminary steps are done it’s time to put everything together using code.  Import Beautiful Soup 4 and Requests to allow HTML parsing and HTTP requests.  Next, create a list of items to be searched on eBay. The rest of the code will be divided into two functions, make_urls() and ebay_scrape().

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

# List of item names to search on eBay
name_list = ["Ramen", "Monster Hunter World", "Adhesive page markers", "Calculator", "arduino", "gtx 1070",
             "bluetooth headphones", "coffee machine", "sweet tea", "Python textbook"]



The make_urls() function creates URLS leading to the search page for each item in name_list.  It does this by appending names inside of name_list, whose spaces have been replaced with “+”, to the end of the modified URL from step 2.  When finished, the program returns a list of URLS pointing to each item’s search result.

# Returns a list of urls that search eBay for an item
def make_urls(names):
    # eBay url that can be modified to search for a specific item on eBay
    url = ""
    # List of urls created
    urls = []

    for name in names:
        # Adds the name of item being searched to the end of the eBay url and appends it to the urls list
        # In order for it to work the spaces need to be replaced with a +
        urls.append(url + name.replace(" ", "+"))

    # Returns the list of completed urls
    return urls



ebay_scrape() scrapes and prints the url, name, and price of the first eBay search result for each item.  When finding the name and price using the Beautiful Soup 4 object, “soup”, the tag and class name found in step 3 are used in the soup.find() method with the tag being listed first followed by the class name.

# Scrapes and prints the url, name, and price of the first item result listed on eBay
def ebay_scrape(urls):
    for url in urls:
        # Downloads the eBay page for processing
        res = requests.get(url)
        # Raises an exception error if there's an error downloading the website
        # Creates a BeautifulSoup object for HTML parsing
        soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
        # Scrapes the first listed item's name
        name = soup.find("h3", {"class": "s-item__title"}).get_text(separator=u" ")
        # Scrapes the first listed item's price
        price = soup.find("span", {"class": "s-item__price"}).get_text()

        # Prints the url, listed item name, and the price of the item
        print("Item Name: " + name)
        print("Price: " + price + "\n")


Entire eBay_search Code

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

# List of item names to search on eBay
name_list = ["Ramen", "Monster Hunter World", "Adhesive page markers", "Calculator", "arduino", "gtx 1070",
             "bluetooth headphones", "coffee machine", "sweet tea", "Python textbook"]

# Returns a list of urls that search eBay for an item
def make_urls(names):
    # eBay url that can be modified to search for a specific item on eBay
    url = ""
    # List of urls created
    urls = []

    for name in names:
        # Adds the name of item being searched to the end of the eBay url and appends it to the urls list
        # In order for it to work the spaces need to be replaced with a +
        urls.append(url + name.replace(" ", "+"))

    # Returns the list of completed urls
    return urls

# Scrapes and prints the url, name, and price of the first item result listed on eBay
def ebay_scrape(urls):
    for url in urls:
        # Downloads the eBay page for processing
        res = requests.get(url)
        # Raises an exception error if there's an error downloading the website
        # Creates a BeautifulSoup object for HTML parsing
        soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
        # Scrapes the first listed item's name
        name = soup.find("h3", {"class": "s-item__title"}).get_text(separator=u" ")
        # Scrapes the first listed item's price
        price = soup.find("span", {"class": "s-item__price"}).get_text()

        # Prints the url, listed item name, and the price of the item
        print("Item Name: " + name)
        print("Price: " + price + "\n")

# Runs the code
# 1. Make the eBay url list
# 2. Use the returned url list to search eBay and scrape and print information on each item


Step 5: Running the Code

After running the program it will print the item’s URL, name, and price.



Posted on August 28, 2018 in Python Tutorials

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